1.    Teach the alphabet. The first step in learning to read is recognizing the letters of the alphabet. Use a poster, chalkboard, or notebook to write or display the alphabet. Go over the letters with the student until he or she learns them all. Use the alphabet song to help the student to remember.

2.    Teach sounds. Once your student is familiar with the alphabet, you will need to teach them the sounds of each letter. Learning the name of the letter is not enough, as a letter may be pronounced differently depending on the word. For example the ''g sound in the word "green" is different from the g sound in the word "giraffe." Once the student has mastered the sounds of individual letters, they can practice blending letter sounds together to form words. 

3.    Teach short, one-syllable words. Introduce your student to basic reading by showing them two or three letter, one-syllable words. Beginners tend to do best with words that have a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, such as CAT or DOG.


In service Teacher name: 
María Camila Negrete Montes
Week: 3th 
Term  Length:
Class: 7th Grade
Subject: English
TITLE OF LESSON: Something I can do
 Seating arrangement
I understand basic information about topics related to my daily activities and with my environment.

I understand questions and oral expressions that are they refer to me, my family, my friends and my surroundings.

I understand short and simple related messages with my environment and my personal and academic interests.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson, students will be express skills.
Basic Learning Rights
Escribe textos cortos y sencillos sobre acciones, experiencias y planes que le son familiares. Para la escritura se ayuda de una secuencia de imágenes y un modelo preestablecido.

Writes short and simple
texts about familiar actions, experiences, and
plans using a sequence
of images and a preestablished model for the text.

Lesson Procedure:

The teacher greets the students and the students answer to the greeting

Hello guys,
Hello teacher.
How are you today?
I´m fine – I´m good – Very well – Not so good – I´m bad - more or less

Warm up

1.    The teacher shows a set of images that represent actions and the respective words in disorder
2.    The students repeat the actions directed by the teacher
3.    Then the students relate the images with the words
4.    Finally the students create sentences with the modal verb Can directed by the teacher

Can you ….?
Yes, I can.
No, I can´t.

What can you do?
I can…


Communicative  grammar         

1.    the teacher asks his students about the use the modal verb Can

2.    Use of modal verb Can and Can not

It is used to express skills and permissions

 Aff:  Subj + Modal Verb Can + Verb + Complement
  EX: I CAN COOK....

 Neg: Subj + Modal Verb Can + Not + Verb + Complement  

 Int: Modal Verb Can + Subj + Verb + Complement  


·         Now, let's do some activities to reinforce the topic.


write 10 sentences expressing your abilities
Write 10 things you can’t do
Interview a classmate about his/her abilities

Ø Notebook
Ø Board
Ø Pencil
Ø Copy
Ø Pictures

Key Words:
Ø  Speak                         
Ø  sleep
Ø  fly
Ø  swing
Ø  Run
Ø  Dance
Ø  Ride a horse
Ø  Ride  a bicycle
Ø  Play tennis
Ø  jump
Ø  Play the guitar
Ø  walk
Ø  Drive
Ø  Climb
