In 1958, the departmental government of Bolivar at that time, founded in this municipality, the Co-instruction School Sincelejito, appointing as Director Cecilia Tovío herself, and as teacher Carmen Barreto; it functioned only for the term of two years due to the bad construction of its classrooms that were destroyed and to the scarce physical space that it had.
In 1960, the teacher Florisa López (Hermana Piedad López) invaded an area of 6,695 meters, and began management before the administration of the department of Bolívar on behalf of the sisters of Santa Rosa de Lima, to create, appoint teachers and build a school in that area.
After two years, in 1962, the government of Bolívar created this school with the name of the neighborhood where it is located, El Socorro, the direction of the school fell on Sister Piedad López, until she retired for reasons of having retired, in the year 2000. Appointing Sister Josefa Merlano Buelvas as Rector.
In 1997, the school received the name of Santa Rosa de Lima, in honor of the religious congregation that made its creation possible. At that time, it had a complete primary school cycle and the beginning of secondary school, authorized by the Secretary of Departmental Education. According to Resolution Nº 2175 of November 15, 2000, four sixth grades were started with a student population of 500 students, a faculty made up of 17 teachers and a principal.
In view of the requirements of Act No. 115 of 1994 and its regulatory decree of 1860 of the same year, the full preschool level was created and student coverage was extended until the completion of the secondary basic cycle in 1999.
In 1998 and 1999, coverage was extended to the eighth and ninth grades, respectively.
By Resolution 0228 of February 1999, the Department of Education legalized the operation of the sixth and seventh grades and authorized the opening of the eighth grade.
By means of Resolution 0868 of April 8, 2002, the Secretary of Departmental Education, granted official recognition to the levels of preschool, basic primary, basic secondary and average academic and modified the social name of the school of basic Santa Rosa de Lima by the INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA SANTA ROSA DE LIMA (SANTA ROSA DE LIMA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION).
In 2002, with decree No. 008 issued by the Secretariat of Education and Municipal Culture, was reorganized.
the integration and association of the Official Establishments of Formal Education in the municipality of Sincelejo, and to the integration and association of the Official Establishments of Formal Education in the municipality of Sincelejo.
Santa Rosa de Lima Educational Institution, the urban schools of Las Margaritas, Libertad and the rural school of San Miguel were integrated. A year later, the daisies and San Miguel ceased to belong to the Institution, and in 2005 the Libertad headquarters ceased to belong to the Institution.
The Santa Rosa de Lima Educational Institution until 2005, had as rector Sister Josefa Merlano Buelvas, as of 2006, the rectory was assumed by Esp. Noelba Caly de Vergara, designated by Resolution No. 0093 of January 18, 2006, emanating from the Secretary of Education and Municipal Culture.
Two Coordinators and one Support Teacher serve as teachers: Martha Tovar Ortega, Academic Coordinator, Lic. Yadira Amador Ruíz, as Discipline Coordinator, and Social Worker Viviana Acosta Hernández.
By Resolution Nº1810 of April 10, 2007, the Institution is authorized for the Implementation of the Technical Means in "Generation of Entrepreneurial Initiatives" in articulation with the SENA by Agreement of this entity with the Secretariat of Municipal Education.
At present, the Institution has a Preschool Grade, 10 Primary Grades, and 12 Secondary and 4 Middle School Groups; the Preschool level is attended by one teacher, the Primary cycle by 11 teachers, and the Secondary and Middle School by 20 teachers; of the 4 groups of the Academic Average, two of them, attend at the same time, the Technical Average in Integration with the SENA; these groups are attended `by teachers of the Institution and by an Instructor of the SENA, in opposite Days, during two days of the week.

The Educational Institution Santa Rosa de Lima de Sincelejo Sucre, is an institution of official character, of mixed nature that offers to its students an integral formation that tends for the practice of values, the development of basic competences, citizens and general labor; the appropriation of the technological advances, and the resolution of problems in a way that allows them to perform successfully as individuals and as capable and competent social beings in the context of a productive and globalized world.

By 2020, the Santa Rosa de Lima Educational Institution of Sincelejo Sucre will have strengthened its physical structure, academic processes and coexistence, working for the high performance levels of its students, with the objective of improving their life project and preparing them to continue their professional training in the productive and globalized world.

The Educational Institution Santa Rosa de Lima conceives the student as an individual, cultural and social being, in permanent formation, which implies to offer an integral education from the basic, citizen and labor competences that allow him to develop in the present globalized and productive world.


- Honesty: respecting each other's objects and not taking their things without permission.  Solidarity: helping others in their needs, expressing love with generous words and actions. 
- Respect: avoiding hurting others, not offending them. Be careful in speaking and treating others.
- Freedom: to make decisions that contribute to the good of others in order to live in peace and joy. 
- Collaboration: joining with others to do a team work thinking about the good results of the group. 
- Peace: to achieve calm and serenity in people and in the environment. 
- Tolerance: accepting others as they are. 
- Joy: to admire and enjoy the values of people and the wonders of nature and life. 
- Gratitude: kind attitude, virtue of those who want to fill our hearts with nobility. 

